• Internet Drama - Y U EXIST? Some handy tips to defend against stupidity, because ..well y'know YOLO. *joking*
    plz click the 'share' button and show anyone who you think might enjoy/benefit from this :D
    and tell me what internet behaviour you find annoying! we have each other guys.
    --LIVE SHOW-- omg
    click here - www.younow.com/users/danisnotonfire then log in with Facebook and press 'become a fan' - yay!
    i hope you guys enjoyed! on the srs-silly meter this was in the middle i think. what did you think?
    (new video in soon)
    Twitter: twitter.com/danisnotonfire
    Facebook: facebook.com/danisnotonfire
    Tumblr: danisnotonfire.tumblr.com

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