• Sooooo... this happened yesterday :) excuse my rambling at the end, I was just so excited and sick lol.
    Backstory... I'm sick. On tuesday night Phil tweeted that he'd just landed in Stockholm and my reaction was "ASDFGHJKLI'MSICKDON'TDOTHISTOME". Next day I saw people on twitter asking him to do a meet up and my reaction was "ASDFGHJKLI'MSICKDON'TDOTHISTOME". Expressed my feelings to Zoe (MsZoeIsHere) on twitter. A bit later Phil tweeted that he was going to do a meet up at Sergels Torg aka "Plattan", which is just... a large space outside halfway underground, it's connected to the subway. And again, my reaction was "ASDFGHJKLI'MSICKDON'TDOTHISTOME". But then I realized that... hmm... maybe this isn't the end. This is a once in a life time opportunity. I've been subscribed to Phil for so long. I need to do this. I know that I have to apply for jobs. My energy should go to applying for jobs. But I have to do this. After a lot of crying and yelling and screaming (not going to explain lol), I was on the train to Stockholm! At the train I was so shaky, because I had to stress to the train and I JUST managed to buy a ticket before I got on the train. And I was so happy that I brought my nice camera so that I could film a bit and take a nice picture instead of just a photo with my phone.
    This was probably one of the best things that has happened this year. Meeting Phil still feels a bit surreal. Although I didn't get much time at all with him (just "Hi" *hug* *photo* "Thank you so much!" "Bye!") it was still so great meeting him :) a bit sad that people around me doesn't understand how much this meant to me haha! YouTube is such a big part of my everyday life. I still get waves of fangirling where I just "omgomgomgoMGOMGOMG I MET PHIL :D", but that's cool... so cool. And now I've posted the picture on my facebook, twitter, tumblr, instagram and changed the profile picture to it on twitter and instagram hahahaha! :)
    So, if you're reading this Phil, I just really want to thank you for doing the meetup. It was so great meeting you in person :) and I hope we'll meet again! :D I still have no idea what you were doing in Sweden, but I'm very happy that you came! :)
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    Pinball Spring by Kevin MacLeod (

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